The Roud-e-Shour Agate Field
Roud-e-Shour agate field, Karadj, Tehran province
Roud-e-Shour is one of the nearest agate fields to Tehran, the capital of Iran. This less known agate field situated in the south of Malard, a suburb in southwest Tehran. This name in Persian language means “Salty River” which refers to a long brine river that passes through these dry lands. This seasonal river in south of Bidgineh village cut an extended volcanic state which is Eocene in age. These volcanic rocks mainly composed of alternate layers of tuff and lava which are basalt to trachy-andesite, trachyte and andesite in composition. Agates and geodes found as loose nodules in altered tuffs which outcropped in both riverbanks. However we have never seen the nodules in situ but relation between agate abundance and vein barite mineralization seems possible. Scatter barite and red jasper mineralization as small non-economic small veins could be seen in volcanic rocks.
Abundance of nodules is too low and you have to be so lucky to find good quality large nodules at first visit. Most of nodules are broken or cracked which is the dominant curse of Iranian agates at surface of the earth, which is concern with desert climate and conspicuous differ between day and night temperature in such fields.
However Roud-e-Shour is not a rich agate field but by presence of Rare types of agate like porcelain agate, pom pom agate and sagenitic agate, this agate field worth to visit more than one time. High quality geodes have not been expected.
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Location of the Roud-e-Shour area in Iran
"Sagenitic Agate" 55x39 mm
"Porcelain Agate" with fine banding 44x39 mm
Agate with pre-banding aragonite incusions, Hemi-agate and Eye structures. 31x50 mm
Geode of quartz with large calcite crystal over growing. 77x64mm
Agate with quartz center filling. 56x40mm
"Sagenitic Agate" 47x31 mm
Agate with pre-banding calcite incusion. 42x50 mm
Agate with colorless fine banding
and white crust. 36x50 mm
"Pom pom Agate" with aragonite sprays pre-banding inclusions. 72x51mm
Geode of quartz with stalactitic structure and pre-banding aragonit layers in crust. 45x50mm